Minister Šarčević explained what awaits schoolchildren in case of an increase in the number of patients with corona



13.10.2020. 07:36

“If the number of new infected grows so much that it is a progressive increase, then we will go to Plan B. It is logical, if the majority of the new infected are in a region, to be the first to be excluded, that is, students from that region follow classes from home, “he said. “Hello!”, Minister of Education Mladen Šarčević.

Pupils, school, crown

Students, school, crown, Photo:

Minister Šarčević notes that Serbia has performed well so far and that there is no reason to close schools, and he hopes that this will continue. It also emphasizes that the situation is constantly monitored and that everything will be decided by the crisis headquarters.

It will also be seen if a region has erupted, because it will not shut down Sombor or any other city for, say, Pirot. – declares the Minister.

He points out that already now, if necessary, everything is ready to work from home.

– On March 15, when we didn’t have even two minutes of recorded material, we uploaded the entire system in two days. Now it is completely different, we have everything recorded during the summer and we have been broadcasting everything since September 1. We have everything ready a month in advance. Schools have the full scenario for both plan A and plan B and for combined models. By the way, during the summer we reinforce the platforms. RTS Planeta and RTS3 are also working, and if necessary, we will include RTS2 and other stations, says Minister Šarčević for “Alo!”.
