MINISTER RUŽIĆ ON ONLINE TEACHING: The acquisition of knowledge is not in danger, the instructions for the school administration arrive tomorrow


“With a concrete instruction, which we will send tomorrow to the school administrations, we will define those situations when and if there is a need for students to improve a grade, they will do so in direct contact in schools,” Ruzic said in the Serbian Parliament.

He recalled that the Government of Serbia, based on the recommendations of the crisis staff, approved a decree that addresses the issue of transition to online teaching, which concerns previous grades from fifth to eighth grade and secondary schools, with the recommendation that higher education institutions do the same.

“I remind you that even before the start of the school year, parents have the opportunity to decide whether they want their children to attend classes remotely or in a conventional manner,” Ruzic said.

He recalled that the holiday will last from December 21 to January 15, and that classes for students will be held online until then.

Ruzic, by the way, answered the question of the SPS head of parliamentarians, Djordje Milicevic, to what extent the corona virus epidemic affects the quality of education and what impact online teaching can have on the socialization of children.

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