The Ministry of State Administration and Local Autonomy has until November 11 to decide who is the legitimate president of the Democratic Party, if it is Branislav Lecic or Zoran Lutovac, who is already registered as president of the DS.

Lecic Democrats expect a positive decision from MDULS, while Lutovac believes that the final decision will be made by Vucic and that newly appointed Minister Marija Obradovic will not ask for much.

We tried to find out with Minister Obradović if that is exactly the case, considering that this is one of her first tasks in her new position. However, she did not respond to our official request, sent to the ministry email.
On October 5, the DS faction, which elected Branislav Lecic as party president, submitted an application to the Ministry of State Administration and Local Autonomy to be registered in the Register of Political Parties as a representative of the Democratic Party. Additional documentation was submitted to the Ministry, confirming that the procedure and the Statute were fully complied with. That is also the reason why DS de Lecic expects a positive decision.

“I hope that the Ministry of State Administration and Local Autonomy works in accordance with the law.” Since we have sent the requested supplement to the presentation, the only thing that can happen is the inscription in the registry. The official registration deadline is November 11. We are a party that respects the law and affirms a society in which we are equal before the law, I would never agree that an institution of democracy like the DS behaves differently than in accordance with the law. That is why we have reduced our political activity to a minimum, to the legalization of our elections abroad, ”Lecic told Danas. His colleagues also claim that the delay in registration only shows how incorrect the DS’s accusations, which is with Zoran Lutovac, were that they were “from Vucic.”
The Registry of Political Parties still states that the official representative of the DS is Zoran Lutovac. For now it is unknown if it will continue to be so after November 11, and the leader of the Democrats, who was elected to that position two years ago by a large majority of votes, believes that it will be as the president of Serbia and the SNS say.
“I hope that Marija Obradović, as well as every single one of the ministers of that illegitimate government, will blindly carry out Vučić’s orders. So the real question would be what did Vučić decide and in what way does he position the former DS members who did not get the ministry In office. Living in a state where the rule of law exists and where the media informs the citizens, and is not propaganda of the regime, would not be an issue at all. However, I think it is too much even for a regime like this to go so far and commit a crime so legal that it would make political life in Serbia completely meaningless, “Lutovac told Danas, whose DS previously sent a letter to the Ministry of Public Administration to warn about the Lecic current. to register.
On September 26, part of the Democrats elected Branislav Lecic, the only candidate in those elections, as president, when almost a month earlier the party leadership led by Zoran Lutovac expelled him from the DS. Despite this, his mandate was verified at the “electoral assembly” on October 3, after which 52 other members were expelled from the party.
According to the Law of Political Parties, a party is obliged to notify the Ministry of any change in the data entered in the Registry within 15 days following the date of the change, by submitting a request to change the data. in the register, accompanied by the prescribed documentation. The decision to register the data change in the Registry is made by the Ministry within 30 days from the date of submission of the documentation. The law establishes that if the change of data entered in the Registry does not comply with the provisions of this law, program and party statute, the Ministry invites the representative of the political party to eliminate the deficiencies and, depending on the actions or inactions , continue the process. The last instance to resolve the controversy between the two currents in the DS is the Administrative Tribunal.
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