Minister Mali announced a salary and pension increase in Jutarnji, then revealed why President Vučić called him 6 times yesterday.



15.09.2020. 08:43

Some 350,000 workers who worked this year for a minimum of about 30,000 dinars starting next year will have practically 2,156 more dinars in their portfolios.

Guest appearance on the morning show

Guest appearance on the morning show, Photo: Printscreen / Pink

Finance Minister Siniša Mali is a guest on Pink TV’s morning show, and was introduced by presenters Irina and Žika.

– In the conditions of the greatest economic crisis, there is a great decline in the world economy. The negotiations between the Government and the Union were difficult, the negotiations were carried out through the Economic and Social Council, it works well, we have done a lot of good things. We came up with a proposal, we wanted to save real income. The Serbian government has cut: the minimum wage next year will be increased from 30,000 to 32,156 dinars. That’s a 6.6 percent increase from this year’s low. That is great news in relation to the crisis that is occurring at the time of the coronavirus, Siniša Mali said.

The Minister emphasized that the important objective is to keep all workers and for the economy to continue in the same direction. The promise was made that the burden on wages would be reduced.

– We fight for employees, we fight for increase. I do not know if any country will come out with an increase in the minimum wage, everyone has gone down, we had a fall of 0.5 percent in the first quarter of this year, let me tell you, this is the consequence of a responsible policy, when we took steps difficult. We have a stable economy, a stable dinar exchange rate, inflation has not changed much and it has not happened in our country. The state is here to bear the burden, Mali stressed.

Siniša Mali

Siniša Mali, Photo: Serigraph / Rose

– In the United States, more than 40 million people lost their jobs, and in Serbia, given the decisions we made, the policies we implemented, there was no similar situation, we saved jobs, people have jobs, to say a concern, the citizens have less Here the minimum wage has been increased and we will increase pensions, the state has instilled security in citizens. No decision was hasty, no decision was quick, today we will know the situation in the budget, yesterday the president called me 6 times to ask how we are doing. Today we are making a cut, no matter what we do, the interest of the citizens is always in the first place, but of course, we must not jeopardize the level of the citizens, says the Minister.

The Agreement was signed in Washington, and Minister Mali was a member of the delegation that attended the signing and meeting with US President Donald Trump.

– Serbia now has an agreement with the United States on the issue of economic measures, which should contribute to the growth of the economy for everyone in the region, and especially for Serbia. Mini Schengen will help the trucks not wait too long at the borders, they will bring us recognition of diplomas and the road to Pristina will be completed, which contributes to the flow of goods, and the agreement itself shows that the situation in the region is is calming down. new jobs. The development agency is coming to Serbia, it is an incredible sign, a big step forward, when that DFC comes to Serbia, it means that we are attractive, the headquarters of the whole region will be in Belgrade, we have taken a big step forward, the economy has won, they should all benefit, but we, as dominant in the region, will have more. For them, women’s entrepreneurship is a key objective, which we also support, says Siniša Mali.
