Minister announced new regulations for foreigners working online from Serbia


Serbian Labor Minister Zoran Djordjevic announced changes to the Employment of Foreigners Law and the Foreigners Law in order to provide higher state revenue due to the fact that an increasing number of foreigners from Serbia work “remotely “for companies from other countries.

He told RTS that the idea is for Serbia to be the first country in Europe to introduce the possibility for those who work for foreign companies, and are not citizens of Serbia, to continue to do their job and live in Serbia.

“They, like our country, would benefit from that. Estonia is thinking of introducing something similar, but I would like Serbia to be the first to arrive,” said the minister.

The new regulations, he added, should be in effect as of January 1 next year.

He explained that all those who want to live in Serbia, and work for companies that are abroad, must demonstrate that they have a higher gross salary, above 3,500 euros, that they are employed in foreign companies, that do not reside in Serbia, that They are foreign. to obtain a residence and work permit for one year in Serbia.

“That way they will be able to work and spend money here in Serbia, which is much more favorable than other countries. Our country is safe, racism does not exist and we have a very good social life,” said Djordjevic, emphasizing that that way they can win. money for Serbia, but paying VAT.

The minister cited the example of Bali, Indonesia, where 50,000 foreigners work among four million islanders, of which the island has 65 million euros of monthly income, or 780 million euros of VAT annually.

“I think we can be very similar to them. The forecasts are that by 2035 around one billion people will work remotely. With the promotions of our country and tourism, I believe that we will attract foreign citizens to work and live in our country, and thus we will contribute to the income of Serbia. ” he said.
