Milutin Jeličić Jutka – verdict confirmed – Marija Lukić


After the court confirmed the verdict condemning the former president of Brus, Milutin Jelicic Jutka to three months in prison for illegal sexual acts, his ex-associate Marija Lukic, a victim, said that she told the portal that this decision was support for all women who have experienced some form of sexual abuse.

“I am waiting for the verdict in writing, I was informed by a lawyer. I am happy that this is a big step, not only for me, but for all women in Serbia, and also an indicator for powerful arrogant locals that even unattainable justice is not protected, “says Lukić for

Let us remind you that Milutin Jelicic Jutka was sentenced to three months in prison in July this year.

Jelicic was convicted of sexually harassing former associate Marija Lukic, to whom he sent messages of lewd content for a long time.

In the closing argument, the prosecution requested a single sentence of seven months in prison, while Jutka claimed that the entire procedure was rigged.

Today, the court confirmed the previous verdict.

By the way, on March 8, 2018, Lukić filed a criminal complaint with the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Brus against Jeličić, who sent him up to 15,000 lewd SMS messages in two years, while he was his superior at work.

The next day, she was fired symbolically, but confirmation soon came that she had done the right thing: With her move, she challenged six more women to do the same.
