MILOSEVIC’S LAST VIDEO BEFORE GOING TO THE HAGUE: He lit a cigar at the American base, joked with the soldiers (VIDEO)


Milosevic was transported by helicopter from Belgrade to the US military base “Eagle” in Tuzla, where a military plane was waiting to transport him to The Hague.

On behalf of the Hague Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade, he was picked up by Hague investigator Kevin Curtis, who flew with him in a helicopter to Tuzla and on a plane to The Hague.

The video, which appeared relatively recently, shows the president of the FRY in the waiting room of the US military base in Tuzla.

Milosevic, in a suit and white shirt, enters the room accompanied by several people in camouflage military uniforms. The former FRY president sat down for a few moments, then calmly walked around the room with his hands behind his back, and at one point began speaking in English to those present.

As he walked, he asked a man sitting at a table if he was writing a book, to which he received a negative response.

Milosevic then sat down next to Curtis, who offered him a cigarette.

– I’ll wait for the coffee – replied the president of the FRY, to which the prosecutor told him that the plane could arrive before coffee.

“I can’t believe there is no coffee,” Milosevic said with a smile on his face.

After being told that the coffee would not arrive, the former FRY president asked for a cigarette lit by a soldier.

In the following frame, Milosevic is sitting at a table and asks those present if smoking is allowed there, to which he received a negative response.

– The doctor is available to us at any time. If you need water, we will find water – said a soldier who was standing in front of him.

– If we go, it is better not to drink water – Milosevic replied, to which those present laughed.

After a few minutes, bottles of water were brought into the room, which Milosevic used to wash his hands, and then washed and dried with a towel.

– Do you want to take them on the road? – Curtis asked Milosevic, handing him a towel, from which the President of Yugoslavia took one and folded it carefully.

In the next frame, Milosevic is sitting at a table, his white shirt sleeves rolled up casually. In front of him is a bottle of water and medicine, which are being examined by US soldiers.

– Are these drugs for high blood pressure? Do you have others? Asked an official of the former president of the FRY.

– This is the other one. These are beta blockers. And this is nitroglycerin, just in case – Milosevic said, and then answered negatively to the soldiers’ questions if he had ever used nitroglycerin.

“And this is gum,” he said jokingly, pointing to another box, then added:

– I’ll take half this medicine tonight. And this is to reduce pressure. Dilate the arteries a little. Can I read you what is written there? Asked the president of a soldier who was trying to explain what was written on the medicine box.

– That’s five milligrams of philosophy and 12.5 milligrams of hydrochlorodiazepam – said the former president of the FRY.

– You have to record all this – asked the cameraman, who answered affirmatively.

The recording is interrupted by Milosevic leaving the waiting room, after the arrival of the plane. It is interesting to see how the stoic former president of the FRY presented his extradition to the court in The Hague. All the time he addressed the soldiers present informally, but also courteously, with whom he joked several times, and did not have the desires that people of his caliber usually have.

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