Milo will not voluntarily give up power! I am under police protection, there is great pressure on me!


ABAZOVIC: Milo will not voluntarily give up power!  I am under police protection, there is great pressure on me!

Photo: Youtube prtscr / New TV

In conversation with the German weekly Spiegel, he revealed that he is under police protection due to unprecedented pressure after the elections.

When asked about the protest rally outside his home in Ulcinj, Abazovic replied:

“I was not there that night. When I found out, I first joked: people came to support me. The truth is that there is a lot of pressure on me, I am currently under police protection,” he said, adding:

“I know that there are many people who could do something to me, but I am not afraid. Threats are the price we pay as politicians. And they are also logical in the current situation, if one thing is taken into account: after this electoral result, there are many people who can lose a lot.

photo: Youtube prtscr / New TV

Montenegro recently witnessed the democratic election of the ruler for the first time in its history, with President Milo Djukanovic and his DPS suffering heavy losses in the August 30 elections.

After three decades of the “Milo system”, the state is facing a fundamental political change. The three electoral alliances have a slim majority in parliament and want to rule together, Spiegel writes in the introduction, but he also points out the problem: These alliances are politically extremely heterogeneous, from Serbian nationalists and friends of Putin to socially liberal Greens.

Dritan Abazović is the leader of the smallest of these three alliances, the liberal-green coalition Black on White. She won 5.5 percent of the vote in the elections. According to Spiegel, this alliance is believed to have turned the scales upside down.

“For the first time in the history of our country, there was a political change in the elections, despite all the manipulations. Citizens voted against the autocratic system in which President Milo Djukanovic, his family and several other people treated the country and exploited it as their private property.

photo: Youtube prtscr / New TV

Concluding that in Western politics and diplomacy, Djukanovic is not seen as a problem-free politician, but at least as a pro-Western politician, Abazovic says that Djukanovic only claimed to be pro-Western, that is, he never defended democratic values. real of the West.

“There is a concept of stabilocracy. Some EU politicians see the autocrats in the Western Balkans as guarantors of stability. That is a big mistake. True democratization cannot be achieved by stabilocrats like Djukanovic. Instead of strong leaders, the EU should support strong democratic institutions. Djukanovic broadened the impression. in the EU that outside it there can only be an apocalypse in Montenegro. I want to convince Europe that this is not true, “he said.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

When asked if that means Djukanovic will not voluntarily give up power, Abazovic said:

“My impression is no, or at least not so easily,” says Abazovic, but adds that he hopes there will be no disturbances.

“Last week, there were attacks against Muslim institutions. It is not clear who the perpetrators are. I think that currently only one political force is interested in such incidents: Djukanovic and his party,” Abazovic concluded.

On whether the three coalitions that together now have a narrow parliamentary majority will be able to govern together, given that they are extremely different, Abazovic says:

“Yes, it is possible because we are in the pre-political phase. We have never had substantial changes. In Montenegro, it is not about changing the political program, but about the end of autocracy and the path to a democratic future.” /, Photo: Youtube prtscr / Novi TV

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