Milo Đukanović on Pressing on the Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbia, the opposition


The Serbian Orthodox Church is the flagship of great Serbian nationalism and Russian imperial interests in the Balkans, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic told Pressing, adding that the priests are mediating talks on forming a new Montenegrin government “because it is the basic idea of ​​that policy. ” the idea of ​​Serbization of Montenegro “.

“Since the restoration of Montenegrin independence, the Democratic Party of Socialists has resolutely insisted on a new value system, the civil status of Montenegro, despite frequent attempts by the proserbian opposition to reformulate the Montenegrin constitution. You know, the Constitution states that Montenegro is a civil country. “We demand that Montenegro be defined as a state of the Serbian and Montenegrin people. Also, we insist on multi-ethnic democracy, treatment of minorities and nationalist opposition, you know. You had the opportunity to see some of these photos in the first days after the elections, “said the guest. Pressed.

As he says, on the contrary, the nationalist opposition, continuously, and especially in the electoral campaign, supported by the Serbian Orthodox Church, wanted to distract Montenegro from those values.

“This policy persistently insists that Montenegro is a Serbian state that should be within Russia’s strategic, security and foreign policy interests. In its rhetoric and during the campaign, this policy insisted that NATO is the Fourth Reich, that European civilization is a civilization of rotten values ​​and That is why Montenegro is wrong when it insists on obtaining membership in the European Union. It is clear that the first blow of such a policy in the name of great Serbian nationalism and Russian imperial interests in the Balkans was the Serbian Orthodox Church and therefore the logical answer to the question: they have acted and continue to act in accordance with those nationalist interests and the interests of suppressing the identity of Montenegro “.

On the ideas of “unification of the Serbian space” and “Serbian world”

He also spoke about “insisting on the Serbian world”, about the Podgorica – Belgrade – Banja Luka triangle. “As an actor in the politics of the 1990s in the former Yugoslavia, I have fresh memories of the political and nationalist deviations of that time that led to dire consequences. In the former Yugoslavia and therefore it seemed necessary to warn the national public , regional and European in general of the dangers of these phenomena with the first announcement of attempts to update the policy of the great state nationalisms in the Western Balkans. As we have witnessed together, the international public has not followed everything that happened in the region from the Western Balkans with the necessary attention. In the internal conversations we had, we often heard evaluations that, supposedly, they were following everything, but that we were well below the radar. “I’m afraid what happened in the 90s, when we get on the radar, it will be a big problem to control and stop the retrograde processes that have developed in the meantime, “said jo.

He noted the similarity of the policy intentions of the former Yugoslavia to the current situation. “In the early 1990s, the then policy intention in the former Yugoslavia was to show that multi-ethnic democracy in the Balkans was impossible and that instead the Balkans should be restructured to form three ethnically homogeneous extended states : then Greater Serbia, Greater Albania and Greater Albania. Croatia, as you know, instead we had a great tragedy and almost 150,000 human victims in Yugoslavia, we think that this policy was buried after the Dayton Accords and as we can see, not It took a long time, only 25 years, to revive similar ideas and to find more understanding among all international centers than in the 1990s, “said Djukanovic, who recalled that in the 1990s most of the problems that occurred in Yugoslavia were “authentically ours”.

“We started the escalation of nationalism, which eventually turned into chauvinism and led to the emergence of ethnic cleansing and a bloody denouement in the former Yugoslavia. In contrast, we had the European Union, which then offered us membership in the EU. Then he offered FSRF Membership in the EU I remember very vividly that James Baker, the then US Secretary of State, repeated such an offer from the major Western players to the FSYR, and I remember the constructive role that Moscow played. official in relation to Yugoslavia at that time. We will see in the Western Balkan political scene that the restoration of large-scale projects is a significant reflection of the changes that are taking place in the broader political space, not only in our region, but also in Europe and the Euro-Atlantic area, so today I can say that the international community reacts or does not react at all ”, he said.

He said that “the Serbian world” is just a euphemism “for what we heard, saw and whose tragedy we witnessed in the early 1990s. It is a euphemism for the idea of ​​a greater Serbia.”

“In the 1990s, these ideas were put forward by some parapolitical structures. It seems to me that serious statesmen more or less refrained from explaining these ideas. Today, they are taken up by people who perform even the most responsible tasks in state politics. “Djukanovic noted. .

He says that now they are “trying a more sophisticated approach to the same plan,” but that we always have that problem of Chekhov’s dramaturgical rule: a rifle hanging on the wall in the first act, necessarily in the last act and shoots.

“Playing with retrograde ideas, playing with ideas of redrawing the borders in the Balkans, with ideas of undermining the sovereignty of other states and erasing the identity of other peoples, cannot end peacefully, regardless of the tactics of the author of that plan. ” I think that at this moment we are witnessing a softer presentation of that idea. I think at this point the authors of that plan would be satisfied with some federal structure of key Serbian centers within that Serbian space, but there is no doubt that their ultimate goal is to unite that Serbian space. , and thereby endangering other states and endangering the identity of other nations, starting with the Montenegrins, “Đukanović said in Pressing.

The president of Montenegro reacted to businessman Dusko Knezevic, who accuses him of years of corruption and who yesterday, as a guest on Pressing N1, said that he gave millions to the DPS, saying that he could not wait for him to return to Montenegro.. She is not afraid, she says, of criminal charges. which is also announced by the Montenegrin opposition against him, and says that all the time, during these 30 years in power, he “unconditionally respected” the constitutional and legal system of Montenegro.
