Millions of unused corona vaccines


Millions of unused vaccines against the coronavirus are in US hospitals and other locations in the midst of a massive immunization in that country, calling into question the implementation of the US authorities’ plan. The goal was to receive 20 million vaccinations by the end of the month.

So far, only one million vaccines have been received from the company “Pfizer”, which represents a third of the first shipment since last week.

According to data from the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 9.5 million doses of vaccines, including “Modernine”, were shipped to the US federal states, Reuters reports.

Although hospitals have also started using the “Modern” vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has yet to report on that data, which could lead to a stagnation in reporting when it comes to vaccines against the crown of both manufacturers.

The slowness of vaccination has barely accelerated since the first week in which 614,000 vaccines were used, although almost 2.9 million doses were delivered.

Hospitals said the first kovid 19 vaccines were received early last week and that vaccination started slowly due to the preparatory process of thawing the vaccines, finding staff to run the vaccination clinics, and organizing before and after social distancing. of vaccination. Some hospitals stated that only 100 vaccines were used on the first day.

The administration of US President Donald Trump expects 20 million people to receive the corona vaccine by the end of the year.

That means there is just over a week left to vaccinate about 19 million Americans, or more than 2 million a day, including Christmas, according to Reuters. Almost 5.9 million doses of the Moderna vaccine should arrive this week and an additional 2 million doses from the companies Pfizer and Biontech.

“What we can do is provide enough doses of the vaccine,” said Moncef Slaui, head of the government’s “Faster than light” vaccination operation, adding that vaccination is slower than previously thought.

In the United States, the number of cases of coronavirus infection exceeded 18 million and 323,000 deaths were recorded.

However, many cite as a real reason for the slowness of vaccination the great mistrust of citizens in the vaccines for kovid-19, whose publication was accompanied by various warnings about the harmfulness, but also by conspiracy theories.

Source: rs.sputniknews. com / Pravda

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