MILLION DOSES OF VACCINES ARRIVE IN SERBIA: Lončar: “We are trying to save as many people as possible”


– What we are doing as a state is trying to get the vaccine among the first in Europe. We are receiving additional amounts, a priority list has been made – Lončar said, adding that more than a million doses are expected in January.

As he says, we are going to the light at the end of the tunnel and to save the lives and health of the citizens.

Speaking about vaccines in Kosovo and Metohija, Loncar said that he couldn’t believe that someone was using things in this situation and reducing them to politics.

– We are trying to save as many people as possible – Lončar said, adding that Aleksandar Vučić’s policy, the policy of peace and security, as he says, does not suit anyone.

He points out that as the world fights for their lives, they look for reasons to find something against them.

Lončar noted that during the pandemic, the Infectious Disease Clinic is coming in and renovating, and that it will not stop there.

– The cornerstone of KC Vojvodina will be laid on Wednesday. Not to mention KC Nis and KC Serbia, Krusevac Hospital, Batajnica. And then someone gets upset. They may not like Vučić, but in this situation we are not looking at politics, but what can be done – Lončar said.

He adds that their problem is that what Vučić represents does not suit them.

As he says, we keep more than 40 percent of patients in the hospital.

– In other countries, you come to the hospital only when you are very sick, and a much smaller percentage of people – Lončar said.


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