Milica’s confession that SERBIA WAS LOOKING FOR: I wanted to cut my veins in church, but I had nothing! He was afraid for my life, he told me: “I will cut you to pieces!”


She claims that the former boss called her a few days later and threatened her.

– My former head of a cafe blamed me for telling his wife that he was cheating on her with other girls, I saw it. And then his wife accused me of being with him. She didn’t know how to walk away and she blamed me for all the stories about the boss scams, and that has nothing to do with life! Then he called me up and spat. He knew what that meant. He fired me a few days before I disappeared and I worked for him for five, making a market. He kept telling me: “If I had a hundred workers, I wouldn’t give them to you” – he says Milica Grbić about what preceded his disappearance.

She claims that the former boss called her a few days later and threatened her.

– He called me from another number and said: “Tomorrow I will come to you and cut you into pieces!” I was scared because I knew I was dating my ex boyfriend, that he was abusing and hitting me. I turned off the phone, got in the car and left Belgrade, I didn’t know where to go, just so he wouldn’t find me. I only had 400 dinars in my wallet, I also had no fuel. I took the highway towards Čačak. I wanted to go as far away from Belgrade as possible. I came to the Monastery of the Holy Trinity. I parked there and spent the night. I lowered my seats so that no one would see me sleeping in the car. I got into the trunk, I was cold. I was in a dress, hungry. I waited for darkness to fall, for someone not to see me. My legs were stiff – says Milica.

He says that after that he got lost and found his way to Belgrade.

– I got lost while looking for a sign from Belgrade. A guy told me he was in Petlovo brdo or Sremčica, I don’t know anymore. Signs appeared and then I got to the Temple of San Juan and spent my last night there. I parked under the temple. That night was the worst for me. Two young men and a girl were arguing around the car, so I moved. I wanted to cut the veins in the church, in front of the icons, but I had nothing. I cried. I drank every tear that came to my eyes. So I decided to go to the Emergency Center – she says.

I was afraid that my boss would do everything to me and my ex-boyfriend, who would hit me and forbid me to work after 11 at night in a cafe. I was with him for five months and he was terribly jealous. He forbade me to wear short skirts and low-cut tops. He blackmailed me with some of my nude photos and now he’s in court for it. Needless to say, he stalked me. Once he chased me on the road and blocked my way by car so I ran through the fields. I told him I wouldn’t sue him for the photos, so he left me alone.

Milica claims that she is a believer and that the signs led her to the monastery. He adds that he was in the Clinical Center for three weeks, that he did not eat or drink.

– I received infusions, injections, because I was in shock. Now I’m gone and I’m trying to move on, to forget everything – says Milica honestly, who started working again to forget the trauma.
