Milica was willing to sacrifice her life for the child, now she is in the hospital, seriously injured


SAVED HER SON AND BROKEN SPINE IN ELEVATOR FALL: Milica was ready to sacrifice her life for a child, now she is in hospital seriously injured

Milica Djokovic sacrificed herself for a child in the hospital, Photo: private archive

The real drama took place in Kraljevo when the elevator cable in which Milica Đoković (35) from Kragujevac was with her son broke! Fortunately, the caring mother reacted instinctively and protected her son, but when he fell from a height of ten meters, he suffered a serious spinal injury.

Horror movies

This accident happened a few days ago, when Milica and her family were in Kraljevo, with friends who have a workshop and a forklift in the house. Her children, and there are three of them, as she told us, it was interesting for them to take that elevator, which was completely correct. Nothing foreshadowed the accident …

– I entered the elevator with a son, and then the scene started like a horror movie – from a hospital bed in the Kragujevac Clinical Center, Milica describes a drama that changed her life in a few seconds and continues:

– When we were about three meters high, something broke and the elevator descended abruptly, with incredible speed. Somehow I hugged my son. I managed to protect him and fell to the ground with all my might. Thank God, nothing happened to the boy. And once again, thank God, I entered the elevator with only one child, and the other two wanted to, but I told them they would do it later. I don’t know how I would have managed to save them all if we had all entered the elevator at the same time – says Milica with great difficulty because she is in great pain.

Waiting for surgery

She instinctively reacted the way only a mother can when her child is in danger. She fractured her spine and was transferred from Kraljevo to the Clinical Center in Kragujevac, where she is still awaiting the operation, which is scheduled for next week. He sighs painfully and hopes to get better.

– I try to be in a good mood and happy, because my son has no injuries – says Milica.


Brave Milica will recover

photo: private archive

Milica suffered a lumbar spine injury and an L1 vertebral fracture. Fortunately, Milica can recover and the prognosis is good. This brave woman is happy and grateful that she saved her son’s life and took all the pain all over herself, Dr. Srdjan Vlajović, head of the department of spinal surgery at the Kragujevac Clinical Center, told Kurir. Bogdana Đusić Photo: private archive

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