Milica in serious condition, in intensive care!



08.10.2020. 15:31 – 08.10.2020. 15:37

According to the information obtained by, Milica is in intensive care, in a very bad mental state.


MG, Photo: Private archive

Twenty-five-year-old Milica Grbić, who was reported missing yesterday during the day, was found this morning around 4pm when police found her in a car in front of the Emergency Center.

According to the information obtained by, Milica is in intensive care, in a very bad mental state.

– You feel bad, mentally and physically. She is tired and exhausted. No one from the family saw her, nor were visitors allowed – a source close to the family told

According to our interlocutor, Milica is being examined and the doctors constantly monitor her condition, and the family hopes to see her tonight.

– Nobody knows why he decided to leave like this. She told police that she visited monasteries and slept in a car, and that she does not want to tell the details of how time passed when they were looking for her, says our source, adding:

– He even thought about suicide, but is aware of everything, even so he managed to get to the Emergency Center, realizing that he needed help – says the interlocutor.

We remind you that the girl’s disappearance was reported to the police by her concerned family, since Milica did not appear after she left the city.

In addition to the police, her closest people searched for her all night.

The girl was later found in her car near the Emergency Center early in the morning.

SOS Helpline for People Contemplating Suicide

The number 011 / 7777-000 is an SOS telephone that works 24 hours a day, and is attended by experts in suicide prevention – doctors from the “Dr Laza Lazarevic” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases. The Emergency Psychiatry Service receives patients 24 hours a day without an appointment, without a book and without payment, and the Mental Health Center receives without an appointment from 9 to 18.

If you need help, you can call the volunteers of the “Srce” Center every day from 5 to 11 pm on the phone number 0800-300-303 or contact them by email at [email protected].
