MILICA AND STEFAN HAVE BEEN OUT FOR 40 HOURS: Three factors make the search difficult, Serbia is praying for two young people (PHOTO)


Rescue services, police and local residents split into groups and headed in various directions. Currently, the search is heading towards the top of the mountain and the Tupižnica region.

Among those who participated in the search are Milica’s father and Stefan’s brother, who appealed to all who can help in the search.

In addition to the darkness that will make the search more difficult, the lifeguards do not like the terrain, because it is a very impassable area and difficult to access. An additional problem is the lack of telephone signal that is lost at the foot of the mountain, and there is not just one path up the mountain, but several, which further complicates the search.

We remind you that Milica Mirjanić (20) and Stefan Russov (27), who were driving in a white Peugeot 207 towards the Lisina picnic area, lost all traces almost 40 hours ago. A helicopter from the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the Mountain Rescue Service, joined the search for the missing.

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