Milica (14) takes care of her sick father and her tired mother alone, she is also an excellent student and plays the violin


Knić – Today’s holiday, Detinjci, is written in red letters on the Serbian Orthodox calendar. And while many children will receive this vacation in a warm home, thirteen-year-old Milica Vuckovic will spend it in a dilapidated house, caring for her sick father and exhausted mother.

Their home in the village of Bumabrevo Brdo is four kilometers from the main road, and the Vuckovic family’s doorstep cannot even be reached when the first rains fall with a tractor.

– It leaks in various places, but we patch and put sherpas all over the house. When it is summer, then everything is different, but when cold days come with rain and snow, many of us are afraid that the house will collapse. But somehow we put up with it all, because my dad is sick and then his health is the most important thing, I don’t even have time to think about poverty – says this brave girl for RINA.

Vuckovic Family, Milica Vuckovic, Knic
photo: RINA

She has many worries on her weak shoulders, but she is still an excellent student and also attends music school with great success.

– She learns everything on her own, none of us have anything to help her. She is a bright, intelligent and good girl and that is our greatest gift and reward at this great party, Children. There is a custom that today’s children give something to their parents, our Milica does it for us every day – said mother Stanica with tears in her eyes.

Vuckovic Family, Milica Vuckovic, Knic
photo: RINA

Father Novica is seriously ill and has had several surgeries. After that, he is no longer fully capable of working, but he still struggles as hard as he can. In addition to the old wood stove, her tormented soul is warmed by the music of Milica as she plays the violin, and this house is devoid of everything except love and warmth.

– In the last few months, we have been living with only 3,000. It is very difficult, but we are fighting as we must. If only we were all healthy, then everything will be – says Stanica.

Vuckovic Family, Milica Vuckovic, Knic
photo: RINA

Although she lives in difficult conditions, Milica has never complained, and all that poverty and care that her companions are completely unaware of, is daily for her. However, this girl does not give up, she studies diligently and diligently, because she knows that her persistence and desire to provide better living conditions for her parents will one day come true.


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