MILENA RADULOVIĆ ANNOUNCED ON INSTAGRAM: We decided to stand in the way of the dark circle of abuse!


The actress has now posted on her Instagram profile:

– After a tough internal struggle, some brave girls and I decided to put ourselves in the path of a dark circle of abuse. We will not give up. Rape of minors and pedophilia are not allowed, Milena wrote.

– I was in Mike Aleksić’s school for six years when he raped me. I was 17 years old. That hasn’t happened once. It was repeated – said Milena Radulović for Blic and added:

– The group had its good sides. We read a book a week, we went to the theater, we watched movies, we were educated, good children. The religion spread in the group, the classes began with the prayer “Our Father”, the girls came with skirts, the boys with shoes, hair and nails had to be neat. But he was always strict, cruel. He was very strict and they all said: “Well, well, it’s cruel, but this is Mika, he has his methods.” There were clear rules, he says.

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