Milena Popovic: Opposition politicians use Oliver Ivanovic assassination to score politicians – Politika


The single wife of the murdered leader of the Civil Initiative for Freedom, Democracy and Justice (SDP), Oliver Ivanovic, Milena Popovic, claimed today that some opposition politicians are using the murder of her single husband to rack up political points.

Milena Popović: Opposition politicians use Oliver Ivanović's assassination to score a political goal 1Milena Popović Photo: EPA-EFE / DJORDJE SAVIC

Popovic, who is also a member of the Serbian parliament, told Pink TV that on the occasion that Serbian opposition parties organized a meeting yesterday to commemorate “1,000 days of the unsolved murder of Oliver Ivanovic”, he said it was “shameful” that Oliver’s murder was “used to score.” “.

He said that judicial proceedings for Ivanovic’s murder before the Kosovo judiciary are being delayed.

“Someone doesn’t want us to get to the truth, as if the goal is to prolong it and they are obviously trying to cover up the truth,” Popovic said, adding that she “would ask questions every day” but had no intention of doing so. collect political points “.

Milena Popović: Opposition politicians use Oliver Ivanović's assassination to score a political goal 2

On the occasion of the 1,000 days since the unsolved murder, the United Opposition of Serbia organized yesterday the lighting of “1,000 candles” in the church of San Marcos in Belgrade, with a request that the authors and murderers of Oliver Ivanović be found. and punished. Popovic, who joined the Serbian Progressive Party in February this year, did not participate in the candle lighting.

The judicial authorities of Pristina and Belgrade have launched a separate investigation into the murder of Ivanovic, which took place in January 2018 in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, but to date no one has been punished for the murder.

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