Milena K.’s confession to the strangest place where she made love! These are scenes from Deceptive Summer!



24.10.2020. 20:47

Milena K. reveals the details of her private life

Sex, passion, relationship, relationship, love, flirting

Sex, passion, relationship, relationship, love, flirting, Photo: Shutterstock, illustration

Frauds, intrigues, the deepest intimacy and the amazing twists and turns that fate brings you. Completely naked. To the core. To get chills.

He didn’t even tell me where he was taking me. The white jeep “flew” on the highway, we arrived in an hour. I was so intoxicated with all the action, I didn’t even follow the signs, I was kind of blind. Not so much for too much love, but for happiness. I am so happy with this little Uroš …

You know that when you meet someone, you get bored and then he gets bored.

– Are we coming here? – you ask.

– Unfortunately there is loud music, you get the answer.

– Eeee, why don’t we go there? – you’re optimistic again.

– Oh, last time it was disgusting food – there’s a match on the other side.

I always hated people like that. I don’t like complicated ones.

Well, Uroš is the opposite. Everything is simple with him. He’ll only show up to see me for five minutes, he’ll go across town. Or, when I’m not feeling well, my stomach hurts, it will come with a bag full of teas, pills, that I don’t even drink. But nothing is difficult for him. No matter where we go, if we stop on the way, for a coffee, for lunch, everything is a matter of agreement. It is not a burden on my brain, and that is, my dear ones, today … Uhhh … a real soda!

Elem, he stopped in front of a resort in the middle of the forest, where he says something … Divčibare … Ah ha, now I know where we are.

We jumped out of the car, grabbed our things, and flew into the room. He took it all off and put me in the shower. Hmm, I love it when we do that while the water is flowing through our bodies. It all ended quickly, I couldn’t wait. After we changed, he suggested a ride. It’s still daytime outside.

“I like it here,” I said, intoxicated by the fresh air. Literally as if he was “breathing”.

“Yes, look at nature, you like trees,” he said, somewhat enigmatically.

Sex, couple, love, drink

Photo: Shutterstock

What kind of question ?!

“Yes, I do,” I said, confused.

“Come,” he led me down a path.

I followed him unconditionally. What did you think about now ?!

He led me to a strange tree that branched out in multiple directions. Hmm, I get it, it’s really weird. Mali decided to show me the natural beauties of Divčibare, and I thought he had brought me just to …

He saw my look of astonishment, came over and started kissing me. I got carried away so much that I didn’t even notice him lifting my dress … When he tried to pull my panties down, I stopped him and looked at him in amazement.

“Baby, there’s no one around us,” he said, knowing that it turns me on when he, much younger than me, addresses me with “baby”.

“But …” I said, and he leaned me against that forked tree. It was so strange that I could sit on it, even “recline” in some way.

It didn’t take him long to adjust. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid inside me. The tree swayed. God what a feeling, I grabbed the log above my head with both hands, I needed support. From that deadly silence at the beginning, a rhapsody of sounds was suddenly heard all around us. When the tree began to sway, the frightened birds flew as if heading south ahead of time. His shock alarmed the other animals and the entire forest began to creak. I am usually afraid of animals. With Uroš, I forgot my biggest fears.

At one point, he jumped out of me hard, and I looked at him with that pleading feminine look that seemed to say “No, no, stop now.”

He held out his hand and I followed all instructions. He turned me around and I suddenly turned my back on him. He leaned me against the same tree, only now he was … I laughed out loud. Well, I’m backwards. My head was looking at our feet, bent over the tree I had a completely different perspective. This is definitely the weirdest place I’ve ever done this!

Sex, passion, relationship, relationship, love, flirting

Sex, passion, relationship, relationship, love, flirting, Photo: Shutterstock, illustration

I was getting closer to the top … Excitement + fear that someone would cross (who will come, it is the forest, it comforted me) + Uroš who does it so well … I will faint from how good it is …

Suddenly I opened my eyes, I thought how this scene looks from the side and … I WAS LAUGHING!

“Peter, grandfather’s name,” rang in my ears, and scenes from the movie “Deceptive Summer ’68” lined up in front of my eyes.

– What do you call a tree? – Slavko Štimac asked the Czech woman as he led her into the forest.

“Willow,” she replied.

– Well, it’s a willow – I’ll die from the memory of this movie.

I was surprised and Uroš withdrew. His pride fell. I ruined everything.

I tried to explain, but my “hen” didn’t see “Deceptive Summer”! COLD!

I wiped away the tears that flowed (from laughter, of course), fixed my dress, and headed to the resort. Uroš was silent. I tried to grab his arm, but he slipped away.

Ehhh, my chicken. You still have a lot to learn.

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