Milan looked death straight in the eye 26 times – the sniper shot him in the forehead, but that’s not the only misfortune he survived! (PHOTO)



24.10.2020. 19:26

Our elders say that “there is no death without a day of judgment”, and the best proof of this is Dinara’s Milan Vagić, who even 26 times in her life looked death directly in the eye.

Milan Vagic

Milan Vagić, Photo: RINA

In the whirlwind of war in the 1990s, he was seriously injured twice and victorious both times. As a reminder of those difficult days, he still has large scars on his body, he himself took out the shrapnel with a pliers, and the only thing left unharmed is a great mountain soul and a strong character that did not allow him to give up in the most difficult moments .

The sniper hit me right in the forehead. Thankfully he just turned me away and broke my playroom, but it wasn’t that big of an injury compared to the next one that hit me. Mina tore my leg off and I was conscious the whole time and I saw the blood gush from my leg like water in a fountain. I lost more than three liters of blood in the hospital, but I also survived. In the moments when I looked at the broken leg, my life passed like a tape, it felt as if my soul was separated from my body. However, when I remembered my daughter, who was only one year old at the time, I gained some superhuman strength and I don’t know how she tied her leg with a military belt and thus managed to wait for medical help alive – says Milan.

However, after surviving something that would rarely work for anyone, Only a few years later, Vagić faced new torments. Doctors determined that he had stomach cancer, so he survived six difficult surgeries and 60 chemotherapy treatments.

But when you see it, you would say that the man is brimming with health. Milan reveals that he found his oasis on Divčibare Mountain, where he bought a piece of land, built a cabin and spends most of his time.

– When I spend a month here and do blood tests, the results are like those of a child, and when I am in Belgrade and I check the same, my blood count is very bad. I also bought donkeys here, which I loved from my earliest childhood, but also a herd of sheep. I work 13 hours a day and that is exactly my advice and message to everyone who is seriously ill. If you are physically capable, you must not give up, but resist that big problem, change your thoughts and try to forget about your health problem through work. This is how they are one step closer to recovery – said Milan.

He plans to spend the winter in this Serbian mountain, the barn for his pets will be finished soon and the prepared wood already awaits him on the corner.

There is nothing more beautiful than when it snows, the fire crackles, and you finish all the work around the property and sit down to rest by the stove with wine. – says this man who rose several times as a phoenix from the ashes.
