MILA FOLLOWS AND DOES NOT RETURN TO BOZOVIC: Krivokapic “advises” Belgrade to send another ambassador


After Krivokapic, in the middle of Brussels, criticized Bozovic’s statements on the annulment of the decision on Montenegro’s accession to Serbia, explaining that they were invading Montenegrin sovereignty, the Prime Minister in Podgorica now “advises” Belgrade to send another ambassador. Djukanovic:

– The decision to deny Božović hospitality was the latest prank of the departing regime. Since Djukanovic has already denied him the deal, I don’t think he will give it to him again. And since we also decided to withdraw the Montenegrin ambassador from Belgrade, there is hope that Serbia will also decide to send a new ambassador to Podgorica, Krivokapić said in an interview with NIN.

However, as we have learned, Serbia does not intend to send another ambassador to Montenegro at the moment. Our sources say that Krivokapic’s argument about the alleged reciprocity also does not hold up, because the retired Montenegrin ambassador in Belgrade, Tarzan Milosevic, is not debatable, and that Podgorica decision was caused exclusively by internal political reasons.

Krivokapic’s justification that Belgrade should appoint another diplomat is also hypocritical, because Djukanovic will not give Bozovic a deal. In other words, the act of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the expulsion of the ambassador can be annulled by the body that supervises the work of that ministry, which is the Government. This is specified in the Administrative Procedure Law.

This is confirmed for “Novosti” Andrija Mandić, president of the Serbian New Democracy and one of the leaders of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro”:

Photo. Archive

– The government headed by Krivokapic has enough tools at its disposal to solve this problem, without Djukanovic getting involved in this business. One of them is the aforementioned act, according to which the Government can annul the decision of the ICJ. The government should not wait for Djukanovic to agree to any other Serbian ambassador to Montenegro.


The brakes on the eventual improvement of relations between Serbia and Montenegro are undoubtedly Krivokapic’s critical statements about the Belgrade officials, especially about President Aleksandar Vucic. Krivokapic told NIN that he was exposed to a media lynching only because he said Djukanovic and Vucic met more often than he and his godfather, adding that Vucic never spoke of Djukanovic the way he spoke of him, and that he did not I talked to him. did not say a word.

Mandic points out that the coalition “For the future of Montenegro” received the support of the citizens precisely in the promise to improve relations between the two countries, damaged to the maximum during the DPS and Djukanovic:

– I have repeatedly asked Krivokapic to work in that direction and to fulfill his electoral promise, not to fight and continue with Djukanovic’s policy of disobedience and bad relations with Serbia, but to do everything in his power so that relations between Belgrade and Podgorica are the best. And they cannot be the best if the Montenegrin government talks about who represents Serbia in the way that Krivokapic said.

Mandic notes that it is very important for the Montenegrin Serbs to overturn the decision to oust Bozovic, especially since he “only said what all Montenegrin Serbs think and say”:

– Anyone who tries to change our past, makes a primitive review of history and, like Djukanovic, judges our ancestors.

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