Mihajlovic: The possibility of the state increasing its participation in Air Serbia is being considered – Economy


The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlovic, stated that various types of assistance to the national airline Air Serbia are being considered, including the possibility of the state increasing its participation in the property of that company.

Mihajlovic: The possibility of the state increasing its participation in Air Serbia 1 is being considered.Photo: FoNet / MGSI

“Analysis is still underway, and all possibilities that may contribute to the development of Air Serbia will be taken into account,” Mihajlović said for today’s “Politika”.

She says four different bases are proposed to regulate obligations and help the national airline.

This is help to overcome losses due to the global ban on air traffic, covering the costs of maintenance and use of aircraft for the needs of the state, as well as the costs of air transport of goods and passengers, but also a proposal for help provided by the owners.

The government’s stake in Air Serbia is 51 percent, and that of the company Etihad 49 percent.

Mihajlovic emphasized that the Government will continue to provide support to the national airline in accordance with the best pax in the EU when it comes to assistance from member states to their national airlines.

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