Mihajlović: The dialogue went back to 2013, Lajčák’s visit did not bring anything new


Miroslav Lajcak’s visit “did not bring anything new”, but a “seven-year round” was carried out and the dialogue process “went back to 2013”, journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic said in an interview with FoNet and assessed that “Vucic, Thaci and Hoti only care about procrastination even more, because they are in the game until a solution is reached, after which they will no longer be needed. “

“The Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is back on the table and we are again at the beginning of the labyrinth,” said Mihajlovic in a series of Kvaka 23 talks, analyzing the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, under the auspices of the European Union ( EU).

He interpreted Lajcak’s explanation that the JCC would be formed after the final agreement and in the spirit of the Kosovo Constitution as “inability” to cut off or lack of instruments to “push one side or the other.”

“His instruments are distant membership in the EU, maybe never a seat in the United Nations (UN) or an eventual visa liberalization, but in fact he has no power to start a big stone that he is trying to push uphill,” Mihajlović specified.

As he recalled, Belgrade fulfilled the preconditions for the JCC by including the Serbs of northern Kosovo in political life there and incorporating its security and judicial system into the Kosovo system. By stating that he is just a facilitator and that he is there to help the two parties to agree, Lajcak does not minimize his role and that of the EU in the process, Mihajlovic believes, but is objective and realistic, because he understands that his “game” between Belgrade and Pristina is not only up to the EU.

It also depends on Washington, which took over a few months ago when “that strange document” was signed based on Donald Trump’s electoral campaign, he added, but recalled that the EU initiated the process between Belgrade and Pristina.

The essence of that process is “to return the EU to the center of the dialogue, which has failed for years,” said Mihajlović, who, at the same time, claimed that a mistake had been made from the beginning.

As he explained, for years, without the control of Catherine Ashton or Federica Mogherini, the two parties interpreted the results and content of the agreement behind closed doors as they wanted, and it remains to be seen how it will turn out with Lajcak.

Despite the fact that the United States is needed as an “excavator” to drive the process forward and in whose policy there will be no major changes, whoever wins the November presidential elections, Mihajlovic does not see a solution without the EU.

“Without serious interference from the administration in Brussels, which has spent billions of euros in Kosovo for 20 years, and without eliminating crime on both sides of the administrative line or the border,” he predicted, “we will have no better results from dialogue”.

About Thaci and Hoti’s statements

As a journalist who has devoted most of his professional work to reporting from Kosovo for a large number of national and international media, he stated that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, stating that the process will end quickly and with mutual recognition, only repeats Hashim Thaci’s words.

With the attitude that the JCC cannot be formed, “because it is the Republika Srpska in Kosovo,” Thaci is actually trying to deflect attention from the war crimes allegations hanging over his head and encouraging his supporters, producing an atmosphere of unease, Mihajlovic said.

When asked if he sees the current process as technical or status negotiations, he said that these are negotiations “that politicians in Belgrade and Pristina have been using for years to survive in power and that this is not changing even now” .

As he pointed out, the EU “showed total impotence, disinterest or squinted at the fact that it was a dialogue between two people, not two societies, that it was a dialogue between two presidents, not two parliaments or two authorized bodies.” Mihjalovic also believes that “the Achilles heel status of dialogue and stability in the region” is what the Americans understood when they abandoned the idea of ​​swapping territories and focused on the economy.

“Changing the status of Kosovo is a new problem, as there is no recognition without Serbia and, at the same time, the balance of power in the UN Security Council, which includes Russia and China, is changing, because independence Belgrade is not decided by Belgrade, but by the Security Council. “

Mihajlovic, by way of verbal balance, interprets the proposal of Nicholas White, who was a Kosovo councilor and has been present in the Balkans for a long time, that “Serbia does not have to recognize Kosovo, but only accept that Kosovo is independent. “.

Nor does he agree with the assessments that Belgrade, negotiating with Pristina and making concessions for which it practically recognized the independence of the Kosovo system, accepted independence, because Pristina also made concessions. According to Mihajlovic, the approach that “politicians fight at the table” is wrong, instead of allowing people to move freely, goods to move freely and all together enforce laws that are harmonized with the EU, It is incorrect.

“The new walls between Serbs and Albanians, instead of removing the ramps”, as he warned, “represent a source of new conflicts and correspond mainly to crime on both sides.”

“Solutions must be sought that are adapted to the majority of the population, not to individuals,” Mihajlovic emphasized, explaining that in the context of the freedom of movement of people, capital, goods and normal communication, the institutions of the two parties understand the “normalization of relationships”, which he sees as the ultimate goal.

However, he notes that the public was preparing for the territory swap some time ago, but gave up, so now “Vucic, Thaci and Hoti just worry about procrastinating as long as possible, because they are in play until a solution is reached, after which they will no longer be needed. “

Mihajlovic is of the opinion that it has become clear to Vucic that he cannot bear the burden of the Kosovo negotiations alone and that he is therefore again trying to involve parts of the opposition in the process to share responsibility, although “the Most opposition politicians believe that he should be released. Demolish on the Kosovo issue. “
