Mihajlovic: Let’s not close our eyes to violence.


“Citizens should not close their eyes to domestic violence and denounce perpetrators in institutions, whether they are family members, neighbors or relatives,” said the president of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality and the Minister of Construction. , Zorana Mihajlovic.

She said she believes the police and other authorities will shed light. a quadruple murder was discovered in Leskovac, where two young women and a girl lost their lives.

“I was deeply surprised by the news of the family tragedy that occurred today in Leskovac … Once again, I call on all citizens not to turn their heads in the face of violence, it surrounds us and affects the whole of society,” he said. Mihajlović.

The Minister stated that there were cases of domestic and intimate partner violence in the previous days, which is not surprising considering that in crisis situations, such as a pandemic, “all countries register an increase in violent behavior.”

“Although there has been no increase in reports of violence during the state of emergency in Serbia, we have always pointed out that this does not mean that there is no violence. After the state of emergency was lifted, it is only more visible and, unfortunately, it resulted in today’s horrible murders., she concluded.
