Mihajlović: Djilas abused his children’s conversation with their mother


The president of the SNS and president of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality, Zorana Mihajlovic, evaluated that the president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, “took another step in the fight against political opponents” because, as he stated, “he abused his children’s conversation with their mother.” “.

At today’s press conference organized by the opposition a recording of a conversation between Djilas’s ex-wife, Iva, was broadcast, who attended the conference, in which she is heard trying for hours to calm her daughter Ana, who was afraid that the hooligans would hurt her father.

“We have said many times so far that it is inadmissible for anyone’s children and family to be used to attack political opponents, but until today’s action by Dragan Djilas, there has been no example of someone using their own children and family conversations to achieve a political goal. ” Mihajlović evaluated.

He added that he hopes this will be the last example of its kind, because in his words, “the political struggle must be fought where it belongs, in parliament and in public, and children and families must not be the target of attacks and abuse in the politics”. purposes “.
