Citizens of Syria and other countries in the Middle East and Africa, currently in reception centers in Sombor, Kikinda, Krnjača and Obrenovac, have started collecting money for the treatment of sick Serbian children.
“Anika is a Serbian girl suffering from a rare disease. To get cured, Anika needs a medicine that costs an incredible 2.1 million euros. Serbian citizens have been collecting money for three months to help Anika survive. You have little time left. I hereby invite you to organize and give our modest contribution, to join the action of the citizens of Serbia in raising funds for medicine. In the center there is a box in which we will collect money and finally we will pay for it by mail to Anika’s account Also, anyone who has a Serbian card can send an SMS message: enter 858 and send an SMS to number 3030 “, is the text written in Arabic by Kasim, one of the temporary residents of the Reception Center in Sombor, where he resides. mostly immigrants from Syria.
They translated the same text in a farce, adding data from two more children who need help: Minja and Olivera.
The first amount collected of almost 60,000 dinars was paid at the local post office for the treatment of Anika Manić, a girl from Serbia suffering from spinal muscular atrophy, who needs a medicine worth 2.1 million euros.
“Lately, I have seen a lot of green posters of those children, on the social media of friends from Serbia and on billboards in Belgrade. I asked the camp manager if he could explain to me what it was about. As soon as I heard the story, I asked him yes we could. I know it’s not much, but from what I understand people send text messages to collect money for treatment. I have been in Serbia for six months, I am really grateful for everything. Although we don’t want to stay here, why what? “Would we not join the action of the citizens of Serbia? I spoke with other compatriots and they were all in favor, “said Kaisim Muhamed, a Syrian temporarily residing in Sombor.
She explains that after three days of fundraising, they went to the post office with Anika’s poster and asked the clerk to put the money into her account.
Migranti pomogli Aniki
Source: H1 / Private archive

Migranti pomogli Aniki
Source: H1 / Private archive

Kasim and his friends invited people from other reception centers to join the action, and for now, he says, he has information that they responded in the Kikinda, Krnjača and Obrenovac camps, where aid is being collected for Minja and Oliver.
“It makes me very happy. I would like the entire amount to be collected quickly and for the children to have a lifetime opportunity,” says Kasim.