Metro, BG train extension, Belgrade ring road: What does the budget foresee for 2021?


Belgrade – We invite citizens to participate together with the city government in creating the budget for next year, said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, ToskanaInc

Photo: Depositphotos, ToskanaInc

We invite citizens to participate together with the city government in the creation of the budget for next year, the draft of which was determined today and published on the website of the City Assembly, amounts to 124,553,833,604 dinars or one thousand million 64 million euros, said Vesić as a guest on the Belgrade Chronicle.

“It is a smaller budget than this year, before the crown, because the budget at the beginning of this year was one thousand two hundred and five million euros. We will propose that a whole series of large infrastructure projects be done with this budget”, Vesic said.

He mentioned more than 19 billion for the construction of infrastructure in Belgrade and the continuation of the development of the city.

“With that budget, the construction of the metro will begin, we will begin with the expansion of the BG train, the beltway around Belgrade will be completed, one hundred new gas buses will be purchased, 11 new kindergartens will be built. In addition, we will continue the construction of the system. Makiš – Mladenovac water supply “. Patriarch Pavle, we are starting with the construction of underground garages, a sewage treatment plant in Veliko Selo, the Vinča landfill is closing and waste processing plants are being built there, the construction of a sewer on the left bank from the Danube, a health center in Borča and Ugrinivci is underway, “said Vesić.

He invited the citizens of Belgrade to familiarize themselves with the draft budget and present their proposals.

“There is a form on the city’s website where citizens can write their suggestions, give exact addresses and say what they think is important to do for them. Let them suggest their parks, new nurseries, health centers, and everything else they consider important. “The essence of the budget is to improve the lives of citizens,” Vesic said.

He added that Belgrade is the first local self-government in Serbia to submit the draft budget to the vote of the citizens, as it did last year.

As you said, from November 14 to 28, all citizens of Belgrade will be able to submit their budget proposals, then we will consider them for the next seven days, we will announce which proposals have been accepted and the budget proposal will be presented to councilors in early December. .

He noted that you cannot increase the volume of the budget, but you can change the way it will be spent.

“The message of our campaign is to build and work according to you in Belgrade. We want to create a budget together with the citizens and have them decide what will be done in Belgrade. That way we can create a better Belgrade and a future for us, our children. and everyone who “lives in this city. We have less money than this year, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t spend it wisely and do what is necessary, “concluded Vesic.
