Meteorologist Đurić reveals what the weather will be like this week: a nasty surprise awaits us on Friday



07.12.2020. 21:02

In Serbia, at the end of the day, it will be cloudy and noticeably colder with rain, in the higher mountains with sleet and snow, and conditions for sleet and wet snow will be overnight in Timčka and Negotinska Krajina.

Weather forecast, climate, citizens, park

Photo: Tanjug

Meteorologist Djordje Djuric published the weather forecast for this week. We are broadcasting your Facebook status in full:

– There will be no snow or real winter in the lowlands for the next 10 days. There are no baskets as of Friday. For several days, strong cyclones have been moving from the Atlantic over Western Europe, and are causing strong southern currents in the front towards Europe. At the same time, atmospheric fronts move within these cyclones, and due to the orography of the Alps and other processes, secondary cyclones (“secondary” cyclones) are formed in the Gulf of Genoa and over the central Mediterranean, which brings extreme rains to Italy, the Adriatic region and the southern slopes of the Alps, where p. ex. more than 700 mm of rain fell, and more than 1800 meters and more than 3 meters of snow. This strong activity from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean when it comes to cyclones, does not allow the ice air mass to penetrate from Russia and the northeast, so there is snow in the low regions. As there is a high pressure field above Russia with values ​​in the center of the anticyclone and above 1044 mb, and above the central Mediterranean the pressure value in cyclones is below 996 mb, above our area there is a huge pressure gradient, ie. difference, therefore, hurricane baskets with gusts in Vršac of up to 145 km / h.

In Serbia, at the end of the day, it will be cloudy and noticeably colder with rain, in the higher mountains with sleet and snow, and conditions for sleet and wet snow will be overnight in Timčka and Negotinska Krajina. A moderate to strong southeast wind will blow, and it was in the Košava area and in the mountains in the morning with storm surges of up to 100 km / h, and in the south of Banat with hurricane gusts exceeding 140 km / h . At the end of the day, the wind will weaken but will remain strong in the Košava area. Maximum temperature 6 to 10 ° C. During the afternoon and night from the clear southwest.

At the end of the day, it will be cloudy and noticeably colder with rain in Belgrade. A moderate to strong southeast wind will blow. Temperature from 5 to 7 ° C. Cheering during the afternoon and evening.

In Serbia on Tuesday after a cold, sometimes foggy morning, during the mostly sunny or moderately cloudy day. Cloudy at the end of the day and at night. A mild to moderate southeast wind will blow, strong in the Košava area and with storm gusts in southern Banat and in the Danube region. Minimum temperature 0 to 4 ° C, daily maximum 7 to 13 ° C. In Timočka and Negotinsko Krajina, shady and cold throughout the day, with possible light rainfall, temperature up to 3 ° C.

Mostly sunny or moderately cloudy in Belgrade on Tuesday. Cloudy during the afternoon and evening. A moderate to strong southeast wind will blow. Minimum temperature 2 ° C, daily maximum 8 ° C.

In Serbia on Wednesday cloudy and cold with rain, in the highest mountains and in Timočka and Negotinska Krajina with sleet and snow. In the area of ​​Košava and in the mountains, a strong southeast wind will have storm gusts, and in the south of Banat, hurricane gusts exceeding 120 km / h. Maximum temperatures of 4 to 10 ° C, in Timočka and Negotinska Krajina up to 2 ° C. Thursday and Friday will be mostly dry, with maximum temperatures of 6 to 12 ° C. Kosava on Thursday weakening. For the weekend cloudy with rain, in mountainous areas with sleet and snow. The northwest wind will blow, and the maximum temperature will be 6 to 10 ° C.

In Belgrade on Wednesday cloudy and cold with rain, maximum temperature up to 5 ° C. A strong, gusty and stormy southeast wind will blow. It will be mostly dry on Thursdays and Fridays. Kosava on Thursday in weakness. For the weekend cloudy with rain. The northwest wind will blow. The maximum temperature from Thursday to Sunday will be 6 to 8 ° C.
