
Photo: Kurir, Starsport, Nemanja Nikolić
Veljko Belivuk’s arrested group, named Velja Nevolja, is suspected of abducting, torturing and killing people in rented cabins near Loznica, Kurir learned. In these places, members of this group, according to our information from the investigation, cut off heads and tongues and smashed the bodies of the victims with acid.
These are two boxes of weekend houses, located between Loznica and Gornji Milanovac, in which Belivuk’s team allegedly committed the most heinous crimes.

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It should be remembered that Belivuk was arrested on Thursday along with Marko Miljković and 17 other associates. During a search of more than 30 locations, police found key evidence of some of the most brutal crimes they committed. – Apparently, during the house search, key evidence was found indicating that the missing men were tortured and then burned with acid in these houses.

There is information that indicates that one of the murdered was beheaded, the other had his tongue cut out, that parts of his body were hot, our source said previously.
As Kurir finds out, police forces were noticed in this town yesterday.
– Apparently, the inspectors searched the terrain, because this is suspected to be the location of one of Belivuk’s hut boxes stretching from Loznica to Čačak, Kurir’s source says.
Read about the details of the torture and executions carried out by Veljko Belivuk’s team at the Kurir tomorrow.
Kurir.rs / Kurir team

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