Message from the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coast: Perhaps it is time to remind ourselves …


Podgorica – The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral invited citizens to celebrate the baptism of the holidays in the family circle, due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Source: Tanjug

Eillen_1981 / depositphotos

Eillen_1981 / depositphotos

The ICR said that given the potentially extremely dangerous epidemiological situation in Montenegro, and in connection with the daily increase in the number of cases of citizens infected with the new coronavirus, Orthodox believers and all other citizens must respect measures to prevent the spread of infection.

“We see that the epidemic of this virus is affecting Montenegro, as well as the entire region, Europe and the entire world. We must not allow this disease to stop life, not even the spiritual and church life, but it is necessary to adhere to it, no matter how possibly, a precautionary measure to reduce the harmful social consequences of the epidemic and, most importantly , to reduce the number of lives lost due to this disease that, although it affects all ages, continues to claim the highest number of lives among the elderly ”, said the ICR.

They also affirm that perhaps this is a good time to remind ourselves that baptism is, above all, a spiritual celebration, reminding us of the day when our ancestors received the saving Christian faith and that is why that day should be spent “with prayer and blessing”.
