Message from Germany: Urgently solve the problem of Albanians in southern Serbia

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Preševo ​​Valley

The German member of the Greens and European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, reacted for the Albanians in southern Serbia.

He stated that the issue of the addresses of the Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, in south central Serbia, must be resolved urgently.

Von Kramonova reacted on Twitter to the announcement of the mayor of Presevo, Shqiprim Arifi, who assures that “the suspension of the addresses of Albanians residing in Serbia is unique, considering that it is systematic and refers only to the Albanian minority.”

According to Viola von Cramon, this is a “big problem” and EU representatives Josep Borelj, Miroslav Lajcak and Oliver Varhelji, should urgently solve it with Belgrade.

Petković: Viola von Cramon shows malice or profound ignorance of the matter

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, said that the accusations made against Serbia by the Rapporteur of the European Parliament for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, for allegedly erasing the addresses of Albanians living in Serbia, demonstrate their malice or his profound ignorance of the matter.

“If the latter is at stake, the facts show that from the 2015 analysis of international organizations, in which Albanians also participated, it was determined that 515 Albanians live in Medvedja,” Petković announced on Twitter.

He noted that with such irresponsible messages, Cramon puts himself at the service of Greater Albanian nationalism.

“Every idea of ​​trying to change the ethnic structure based on irredentist reasons freezes the blood in the veins, and that is the experience not only of Serbia, but of the whole of Europe,” Petković emphasized in the announcement.

He asked the question “how come Viola von Cramon did not remember to raise her voice over the murder of a protected witness” instead of trying to impose a non-existent theme. “
