Merkel criticizes German virologists? – Online news



Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in an interview with provincial prime ministers, for the first time clearly criticized German virologists, in particular prominent virologist Christian Drosten of Charite in Berlin, according to the Bild newspaper.

The newspaper indicates that the chancellor spoke about the constant change in the position of Christian Drosten, citing as an example his request to close the border.

He quoted his statement that federal police should shop instead of retirees rather than protect the border, while he supported closing the border two days later.

He also criticized Drosten for his latest statement about the danger of an infection from children.

Drosten warned that children were more likely to be infectious as adults, and argued against the full opening of schools and kindergartens. Earlier, referring to foreign studies, Drosten claimed that children were less likely to become infected than adults.

When Drosten asked the government several weeks ago to close schools, although the other day he recommended otherwise, the chancellor commented: “Now he was a typical Drosten again”, to which he replied that he had to follow a new attitude.

In this regard, Merkel claimed, Bild said, that she could no longer expect a coherent view of science.

At a press conference yesterday, after a video meeting with provincial prime ministers, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Seder protected the scientists, saying the attacks were inappropriate. He said that virologists must constantly orient themselves based on new scientific knowledge.

And Merkel said at the conference that there are new findings every day and that one has to live with it.

German government spokesman Stephen Cybert denied that Merkel had previously criticized the virologist Drosten. He said the chancellor at the press conference highlighted the important role of science and Drosten.

However, Bild notes that he received information about the criticism from various sources.
