MEP: We expected further progress to bring Serbia closer to the EU


Speaking on the draft annual report prepared for the European Parliament by the rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilchik, MEP Klemen Groselj said that “everyone expected further progress in Serbia’s approach to the EU.” “If Serbia and the Serbian authorities want Serbia to become what I want and represent, a true full democratic member of the EU, then the way is known, the way is very clear,” says Groselj.

Groselj says that in yesterday’s debate in the Foreign Policy Committee, the vast majority received the report very critically.

“We all expected further progress in Serbia’s approach to the EU. Everyone said that much more was expected from Serbia in the next period,” he says.

It notes that human rights issues have been highlighted.

“The draft report by Vladimir Bilchik is quite critical of the situation in Serbia. If Serbia and the Serbian authorities want Serbia to become what I want and defend, a true full democratic member of the EU, then we know the path, the path is very clear, “says Grošelj.

He adds that the EU has prepared a package for the Western Balkans, which is a response to the crisis caused by the pandemic.
