MEP: EU does not open new chapters with Serbia due to deterioration of democracy – Politics


The EU will not open new chapters in the accession negotiations with Serbia due to the deterioration of the state of democracy in Serbia, said Viola von Cramon MEP.

MEP: EU does not open new chapters with Serbia due to deterioration of democracy 1Viola von Kramon Taubadel Photo: EPA / INGA KJER

“The European Council and the European Commission will not open new negotiating chapters with Serbia.” The state of democracy in Serbia worsened in 2020. Attacks on the media, violent response to peaceful protests and elections with serious problems. That is not the way to enter the EU, “he wrote on his Twitter profile.

In addition to his post in the Union Parliament, Von Cramon is also a member of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, EP rapporteur on relations with the Western Balkans and rapporteur for the Parliamentary group of the Greens in the EP for Serbia.

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