Men, where’s the G-spot? Women surprised by their responses (VIDEO)


A survey of men showed that they do not know at all what the G-spot is, much less where it is located.

This investigation saddened the fairer sex.

As the answers kept coming, the women were confused, they just didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The G-spot associated some with genocide, others have never heard of such a thing.

These were some of the most interesting responses from the stronger halves:

– I have no idea, I live in Zagorje, I was here – said an old man.

“I am not a doctor,” another gentleman told us.

– It is the greatest secret in the world – two friends concluded.

– In the main center of the body – concluded one of the respondents.

Look how it looked:

The G-spot, also known as the Grefenberg point, is considered one of the most erotically sensitive places on a woman’s body, that is, it represents the erogenous area of ​​the vagina which, when stimulated, can cause strong sexual arousal. , strong orgasms and potential female ejaculation.

This point should be located on the front wall of the vagina and should be the size of a pea. Most scientists who have dealt with this problem believe that it is the part of the vaginal wall that controls a special type of nerve. According to other definitions, it is a nervous point where the nerve passes very close, or almost on the surface of the vaginal wall.
