Meeting of the Union against Kovid and Loncar – agreed steps, without protests


Doctors gathered around the United Against Covid Association spoke with the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar, and at the meeting the steps regarding the group’s request were agreed. Regular meetings on the future of doctors representing the UPK and representatives of the ministry have also been announced, and the UPK has also stated that its action, which was announced for Saturday, will not take place.

The meeting with the minister lasted two hours, and it is certain that in the future he will meet regularly, weekly or monthly, with the minister or representatives of the ministry, the UPK said. The demands were kept at the level of the minister’s promise to personally participate in solving the problems, the doctors added.

The impression is that the demands made earlier by the UPK were not expressed so bluntly in the conversation with the Minister, but it was agreed that the disputed situations would be considered.

They also stated that they would attend the next meeting with the signatory doctors of the UPK, and were replaced, and that they would try to resolve the situation.
They demanded a redefinition of the crisis headquarters and that there be people in it who could contribute their experience.

They also touched on the number of patients, and it was announced that a review of that number should be made in the next period, and that UPK doctors should be included.

After the RTS meeting, Loncar said there would be no revenge towards the signatories of that initiative and that it would be reexamined if someone was replaced and why.

“The agreement is that we list our members of the association (in relation to shifts) and we come to speak with them, to redefine the situation. Lejla Ceranic is the head of the hospital in Novi Pazar and cannot be replaced. We insist on redefining the Crisis headquarters, proposing relevant medical institutions and departments … sending their representatives to the crisis headquarters. For the acting director, the realistic time frame to resolve this is at least one year, “said Vuk Vučić of the UPK.

The UPK also stated that it would ask for an “honest” response from the director of the Leskovac hospital about the list of employees who are signatories of the proclamation, because they do not believe his explanation.
