Media: Vui Broke – B92


Belgrade – The Assembly should be held next week, where the President of Parliament and the Secretary General will be elected. Then follows the formation of the government.

Source: Kurir



According to the Belgrade media, the SNS will most likely hold a session of the party presidency later this week, in which the central issue will be the formation of a new government.

According to Kurir, the plan is to schedule a session of the Serbian Parliament after the SNS Presidency session on September 21, in which the president of the parliament, the general secretary and the vice-presidents would be elected, and then after one o two days, a government would be formed.

The newspaper also writes that SNS leader Aleksandar Vui has already “broken” over who, in addition to progressives and their coalition partners, could form a new government. As noted, for now Ivica Dai and its SPS are closer to that, rather than Api’s SPAS.

Therefore, the executive branch would be appointed at the end of September, a deadline that was repeatedly mentioned by the President of Serbia.

The prime minister’s biggest favorite, according to Tampa, is Ana Brnabi, who has led the government for the past four years. It is speculated that Zorana Mihajlovi will remain in Nemanjina, on the condition that Jadranka Joksimovi takes over the energy department, while Marko ade would become the head of the economics department. According to some speculation, Zlatibor Lonar, the current Health Minister, is also safe. Marko Blagojevi, who heads the Office for Reconstruction and Development, could become head of the construction sector.

SNS officials – Vladimir Marinkovi, Marija Obradovi or Vladimir Orli – have the best chance of leading the Serbian Assembly in the next term, and there is a possibility that if the ruling coalition is formed with Spas, that place will belong to someone. of that block.
