Media: SNS supporters and citizens who support Boško Obradović – Politika gathered in front of the assembly


Tonight, two groups of citizens gathered in front of the Serbian Parliament, supporting SNS MPs Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić, that is, the leader of Dveri, Boško Obradović, who started a hunger strike.

Media: SNS supporters and citizens supporting Boško Obradović 1 gathered in front of the assemblyPhoto: N1

As Pink TV reported, around 400 hundred SNS supporters and several dozen citizens supporting one of the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia, Bosko Obradovic, gathered on the plateau in front of the parliament building.

SNS supporters shout “Fascist Bosko” and carry Serbian flags, as well as a banner with a joint photo of the Serbian and Chinese presidents, Aleksandar Vučić and Xi Jinping, with the inscription “Serbs and Chinese brothers forever”.

Members of the police and the Gendarmerie were deployed between the two groups of citizens, and according to the media, there have been no incidents so far.

Dveri’s leader Bosko Obradovic yesterday started a hunger strike in front of the Serbian Parliament, demanding the postponement of elections and negotiations between the government and the opposition, after which two SNS deputies started a hunger strike demanding that the Prosecutors take action under the Penal Code against the group that caused the incident in front of parliament. .

Tonight, two groups of citizens gathered in front of the Serbian Parliament, supporting SNS MPs Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić, that is, the leader of Dveri, Boško Obradović, who started a hunger strike.

As Pink TV reported, around 400 hundred SNS supporters and several dozen citizens supporting one of the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia, Bosko Obradovic, gathered on the plateau in front of the parliament building.

SNS supporters shout “Fascist Bosko” and carry Serbian flags, as well as a banner with a joint photo of the Serbian and Chinese presidents, Aleksandar Vučić and Xi Jinping, with the inscription “Serbs and Chinese brothers forever”.

Members of the police and the Gendarmerie were deployed between the two groups of citizens, and according to the media, there have been no incidents so far.

The president of the Dveri Movement and the parliamentarian Bosko Obradovic, who is on a hunger strike the next day, said today that the demonstration organized by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in front of the National Assembly was a “sad image of an unreasonable regime” and that Serbia was a “dangerously divided society”.

“I could have expected everything, but that the SNS would carry out a rally on my part, no. A sad image of an irrational regime that is on a hunger strike against the opposition and is organizing a concentration of its members against a man.

“A dangerously divided society that separates the Gendarmerie so that everything does not go to hell,” Obradović wrote on Twitter with photos in front of the Serbian Parliament.

Dveri’s leader Bosko Obradovic yesterday started a hunger strike in front of the Serbian Parliament, demanding the postponement of elections and negotiations between the government and the opposition, after which two SNS deputies started a hunger strike demanding that the Prosecutors take action under the Penal Code against the group that caused the incident in front of parliament. .

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