Media: new measures from Friday, on weekends, catering services and service activities will not work – the Society


In Thursday’s session, the Government of Serbia will adopt new measures in the fight against the coronavirus, which include the reduction of working hours until 5:00 p.m. for catering facilities on weekdays and their closure during the weekend.

Media: New measures from Friday, on weekends, catering and service activities will not work 1Photo: Beta / Sasa Djordjevic

According to the newspapers of its portals, the Government of Serbia has accepted the proposal of the medical part of the Crisis Staff, which includes shortening the working hours to 5 in the afternoon for restaurants, cafes and bars, discotheques, shopping centers, game rooms and betting houses.

They will not be allowed to work during the weekend, that is, from Friday from 17 to Monday until 5 in the morning.

This also applies to hair and beauty salons, beauty salons, fitness centers and gyms, spas and swimming pools.

Media: New measures from Friday, on weekends, catering and service activities will not work 2

These proposals are expected to be adopted on Thursday and take effect the following day.

Pharmacies, gas stations, and food delivery companies will continue to operate without restrictions, and grocery stores can operate until 9 p.m. and on weekends.

As for theaters and cinemas, they will also be able to work until 5pm, but also on weekends.

The markets can operate as usual on weekdays and until 3:00 pm on weekends.

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