Media forecasts: Vulin’s ambassador to Belarus Stefanović leaves the Interior Ministry – Politika


The Serbian interior minister in the next government will not be Nebojsa Stefanovic, current ministers Jadranka Joksimovic and Suzana Grubjesic are candidates for the department of European integration, while the prime minister will probably remain Ana Brnabic, the Belgrade press writes today.

Media Forecasts: Vulin Ambassador to Belarus Stefanović Leaves MUP 1Photo: FoNet / MOD (file)

Blic writes that the favorites for the new Minister of Culture are Maja Gojković, but also Jelena Trivan, Aja Jung and even Ivan Tasovac, who has held that position before, while Nebojsa Stefanović may be replaced by Aleksandar Vulin in the defense sector.

According to the newspaper, the chairman of the board of directors of “Mona Hotel Management”, Tomislav Momirović, is the most serious candidate for the post of Minister of Economy, while the epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević could also obtain a position in the new Government of Serbia

Branislav Nedimović and Siniša Mali are secure members of the next cabinet headed by Ana Brnabić, while Ivica Dačić’s remains as head of diplomacy depend on whether the SPS remains in the ruling coalition.

The Kurir newspaper claims that Nebojsa Stefanovic leaves the Interior Ministry and takes over the Defense or Foreign Ministry, Suzana Grubjesic could replace Joksimovic in the European integration sector, while Aleksandar Vulin could go for the ambassador in Belarus.

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