Measures taken, strict controls announced on Kopaonik and Zlatibor


At the session, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the amended Decree on the prevention and suppression of the infectious disease kovid-19, which refers to next weekend (December 26 and 27), the announcement states.

As indicated in the call, this decision enabled the work of commercial and catering facilities until 8:00 p.m., with greater control of compliance with epidemiological measures. The new measures include closed shopping centers and similar facilities in which the retail activity is carried out, and whose surface is greater than 300 square meters. In this space, the maximum number of visitors is limited to one visitor for every nine square meters.

The guards will be obliged to control the observance of epidemiological measures in the facilities: use of masks, physical distance and number of visitors allowed.

It is said that a greater number of sanitary inspectors will be hired in the field, who will control the fulfillment of the measures in the facilities and hotels, especially in Kopaonik and Zlatibor.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
