“MEASURES MUST REMAIN” Dr. Janković reveals whether we should protect ourselves even after vaccination, and this is what he says when asked WHICH VACCINE WILL YOU PERSONALLY RECEIVE


A member of the crisis staff of the Serbian government for the fight against the corona virus, Dr. Srdja Jankovic, said tonight as a guest on the program “Questionnaire” on RTS that all vaccines that are currently registered are safe for citizens. , and that the tests passed faster means that the test criteria were more lenient.

He pointed out that he will be vaccinated with a vaccine that will be in use at the moment he is due.

– All vaccines that are tested are good to use. Everything that has been registered so far has passed security checks. The fact that they passed them faster does not mean that the tests had softer criteria. Just because it is done faster does not mean that it is done more smoothly. The safety of the vaccine is high – said Dr. Janković, adding:

Photo: RTS / screenshot

– A vaccine is not a magic wand. All the measures that are in force must remain in force and people who have been vaccinated must be protected – he emphasized.

He stated that at this time there is no vaccination of pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.

– At this time, vaccination is not done to pregnant women and children, in groups for which all tests have not yet been completed, and before the registration procedure is completed for those groups, it will not be in use for them . We cannot vaccinate pregnant women and children under 18 in an organized and systematic way. There is no upper limit, because even partial protection from the vaccine is better than none, explained Dr. Janković.

He also stated that patients with chronic diseases can receive vaccines, as long as their diseases are not in the acute phase.

– There are two types of adverse reactions to vaccines. They are mild and expected, and on the other hand, there are reactions that endanger health, there were millions and millions of doses administered individually – emphasized Dr. Janković.

Djerlek: Attention, the crown is full of surprises

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mirsad Đerlek, pointed out that we must be careful in the next period, because the corona virus is “full of surprises.”

– Be careful as this virus is full of surprises. It is worrying that hospitals continue to fill up, that our intensive care units are full. We start vaccination from gerontological centers, it is the most sensitive population and any of its diseases can end tragically. So far we have vaccinated 850 people and so far there have been no side effects. We are satisfied with the beginning and I would like to continue like this – said Djerkel.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

He emphasized that only seven days after being vaccinated with the second dose of the vaccine, can it be considered that someone has a significant amount of antibodies in the body.

– After three weeks, it is necessary to take the second dose of the vaccine, after which it takes seven days for those who received it to have a significant amount of antibodies – he emphasized.

He appealed to the citizens of Serbia to respond to the vaccination.

“Don’t allow yourself to lose your life for little money,” Dr. Djerlek said.

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