Means: new measures are possible, fines for masks from 20,000 to 150,000 dinars


If in the next 10 days there is a more drastic jump in the number of newcomers, the most serious consideration is given to the return of restrictive measures and the introduction of new ones, the media write.

Source: B92

First of all, protective measures: masks, gloves, remote physics are mandatory in public transport and indoors, but also in cafes and restaurants if there are more than two people together. According to Kurir, anyone who persistently refuses and rejects the mask and other protective measures will be fined up to 150,000.

Namely, the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases stipulates that the government can introduce more rigorous measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic if it is unleashed again. According to the media, this will happen if the situation worsens in the next ten days.

The first of these could be the obligation to wear a mask, Blic reports.

The fine for not wearing a protective mask would be 20,000 dinars, the President of the Preliminary Court, Olivera Ristanovi, confirmed to the media.

“If the profession decides that wearing a mask is mandatory, anyone who covers this measure would pay a fine of up to 20,000 dinars. Of course, not everyone will be prosecuted for this violation with the maximum penalty. A fine if they believe that even an amount minor will have an effect, but if someone persistently violates the measures, then there is a maximum fine of up to 150,000 dinars, “said Ristanovic.

The communal police would write fines, the media write.

The mandatory use of masks as one of the measures means that they are used in all public places: thorns, public transport, but also in cafes and restaurants. The increase in epidemiological measures would also apply to catering establishments when more than two people are at a table together, but also to all policies and other meetings attended by large numbers of people.

These measures have already taken effect in some countries.
