05/10/2020 09:09
Citizens must continue to adhere to appropriate health protection measures.

Bus, control, bus plus, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida
Tickets for public transportation will not increase in price. As Mayor Zoran Radojicic noted, Belgrade, like other European cities, will not discourage its fellow citizens from using it in this way.
He also noted that although movement is allowed, masks should still be worn and kept at a distance.
The first man in the capital said that the decision that all citizens can use public transport was made due to numerous ambiguities.
– It is inconvenient to allow a person with a disability of one type of disability to use transportation, and to prohibit a person with a disability without a job or even not to allow someone to use transportation to go to a health exam – said Radojicic.

Zoran Radojicic, Photo: Beoinfo
According to Radojicic, most Belgraders behave responsibly and this is evidenced in the results that show that the city, in relation to the number of inhabitants, has a small percentage of infected and deceased patients.
– The period has passed when the imperative was a movement ban and stricter measures. It is important to maintain a distance of two meters, wearing a mask when in contact with a person for whom you are not sure if they are infected, the mayor said.