Mayor of Belgrade: I am strictly against


Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojii said today that he is strictly against any measures for the New Year holidays, December 31 and January 1 and 2.

Source: Tanjug

Screenshot / TV first

Screenshot / TV first

As he himself states, he hopes the Republic Crisis Tab decision will be the same.

“My position is that there is no doubt that there will be no meeting for New Year’s Eve. Only then will we continue the positive trend in the fight against the crown and I believe that the Crisis Tab will decide,” Radojii told B92 television. He became more intimate in the family circle and, as he himself says, this aspect is not negligible either.

Asked about the position of the medical part of the Crisis tab, who opposed the partial reduction of measures this weekend, the mayor stated that his position is specific because as mayor he is a member of the Crisis tab, and is a doctor by profession .

“People’s lives are my number one priority. It is true that we cannot have a health care system if the economy is not working enough, but my position is always on the side of doctors. I cannot think like an entrepreneur and health of the Belgraders is my number one priority. I am closer to the position of the doctors in the taboo of the crisis, “said Radojii.

He indicated that in the last two days there was a net decrease in the number of anti-epidemiological measures.

“Our services have found less than 20 cuts in the last two days related to the restoration and catering. But overall, given that there are more than 2,000 restaurants and service-type facilities in the capital, the outlook is satisfactory, ”concluded Radojii.

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