MaxBet Group: We strongly condemn violence


In a statement, the MaxBet group strongly condemned the violent and brutal beating that occurred on the street near its facility, which was not working at the time, and expressed its regret for the unfortunate event and the injuries suffered by the young man during the incident in Novi Sad.

“We distance ourselves from any participation in a violent act and we emphasize that we have been cooperating with the competent authorities from the beginning to help resolve this situation, ”said MaxBet in a statement.

The Dan plus international doo company, within which MaxBet operates, as emphasized in the ad, “respects the law and all regulations of the Republic of Serbia, employs 2,500 people and behaves responsibly towards each individual, as whether they are our guests or employees. “

Let us remind you, Kontić, who brutally beat a young man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad three weeks ago, and then broke both arms while unconscious, he is the director of the company “Ju-Krijkos”, which founded the bookmakers “Maxbet”, according to official data from the Commercial Records Agency.

The company “MaxBet”, as stated on its official website, was established in 1997 under the name “JuKrijkos” in Zrenjanin.

Then in 2008 he got a new name “MaxBet” and he moved to Novi Sad.

Today the company operates in Serbia, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and recently in Africa.

The public was outraged that the arrest warrant for Kontić was published only after the video of the beating was posted on social media.
