“MASKS MUST BE USED” Vesić on new measures and introduction of EMERGENCY


For now, there are no plans to introduce a state of emergency in Belgrade, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said today, emphasizing the importance of wearing protective masks, which he claims are necessary to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

He told Studio B that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is better than in surrounding countries, but that this should not be reassuring because the borders are open, and only how much the current measures will be respected depends on whether the citizens will be successful. to protect yourself.

Photo: Martin Meissner / Tanjug / AP

– I hope that most of the citizens understand that it is necessary to wear masks, especially in public transport. By wearing masks, we protect ourselves and others, which is necessary in this situation, Vesić said.

He stated that it is also important that parties are not held, that larger concentrations are avoided, because most of the newly infected people between the ages of 20 and 40 were in places with many people who did not respect epidemiological measures.

Vesić emphasized that, for now, the introduction of a state of emergency is not planned, but recalled that new measures have been introduced in France and that a large number of infected people are in Germany, Slovenia …

Curfew, view from helicopterPhoto: Mladen Surjanac / RAS Serbia

Curfew, view from helicopter

– We must protect ourselves until the vaccine arrives or an effective drug is found. We have no choice but to respect the measures. We are constantly trying to find a balance, so that people can have a social life, but we have to learn to live with the virus, Vesić said.

As Beoinfo reported, Vesić claimed that, on the other hand, the economy cannot be stopped, that 40,000 people work in the catering industry and that it is important to respect all measures, because this is how they save jobs for their employees.

He recalled that all the restaurants in London were closed, all the cafes and bars in Brussels for two weeks, and also in Rome and Paris.

Vesić especially emphasized the importance of wearing masks in public transport, adding that there are currently 1,641 vehicles on the streets of Belgrade.

– It is not possible for inspection and control to enter all vehicles, restaurants or cafes. That means it’s up to us to be careful – said Vesić.

He indicated that a large number of people called the number of the Ministry of Health to report violations of epidemiological measures.

– I think it is completely normal, because we must all participate in preventing the spread of the infection to return to a normal life as soon as possible – concluded Vesić.

Video: Vučić: State of emergency in Serbia due to coronavirus
