Martinović: We would have reacted the same if Obradović and Đilas had been beaten


The head of the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Martinović, declared that he would continue the hunger strike in front of parliament until the prosecution reacted, as he said, to the beating of deputy Marijan Risticevic, which occurred two days ago in the same place.

“We remain vigilant of the request that the prosecution should react to the brutal beating of Marijan Risticevic, led by Dragan Djilas and Bosko Obradovic. We will not surrender,” Martinovic said at a press conference in front of parliament.

He said that they were not asking the prosecution to put themselves at the service of Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS, but to start doing their job, react to the attack on Ristićević and “cease to be under the control of Dragan Đilas”, who he said was in 2009. In 2010, “he appointed prosecutors.”

“The prosecution can also say that Marijan Risticevic attacked Bosko Obradovic, and that Marijan Risticevic had a knife, we could hear everything, I am not going to talk about what he will do, but he has to do something. He cannot remain silent if two” The office the prosecutor doesn’t have to listen to me, they just have to watch the video and everything will be clear to them, “he said.

Martinovic also said that Djilas appeared tonight in front of parliament to support Dveri’s leader Bosko Obradovic, who is also on a hunger strike, unlike SNS supporters protesting in front of the National Assembly, but unable to approach progressive parliamentarians. He said that Djilas, unlike Risticevic two days ago, did not lose a hair on his head.

“We would react in the same way if Bosko Obradovic or Dragan Djilas were beaten. Serbia must become a state governed by the rule of law. The prosecution is responsible for that,” said the head of progressive parliamentarians.

He also said that despite the fact that SNS supporters gathered in front of the Assembly, there would be no incidents, and said that the insulting slogans chanted at the expense of the opposition leader were “normal in a democracy” and that he had no problem with that. that opposition supporters accuse him of being “clumsy” and “ugly”, but that no one should beat anyone.

Martinović said she would continue the hunger strike in front of parliament until the prosecution reacts, but asked her colleague Sandra Božić to end the strike, which she did not accept.

When asked by H1 journalists if there should have been a hunger strike at the time and when the prosecution did not react to the “Krushik” issue, Martinovic avoided responding, but said that the prosecution reacted to the “Jovanjica” issue, and that You should ask them why they are not doing their job. job
