Martinovic: I do not insist on a strike, but what else has to happen for the prosecution to react – Politics


The head of the Parliamentarians of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Aleksandar Martinović, declared today that he does not insist on the hunger strike that started two days ago, but also asked what else must happen in order for the prosecution to react to the attack against MP Marijan. Risticevic.

Martinović: I do not insist on a strike, but what else has to happen for the prosecution to react 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / EMIL VAS / EV

Martinovic told Prva Televizija that violence cannot be an instrument of political struggle.

“Physically attacking a fellow congressman because he doesn’t think like you, with the 15 hooligans you brought, can’t be tolerated in a civilized democratic state.” “Just as the hooligans beat Marijan Risticevic, tomorrow they can beat you, me, any citizen,” said Martinovic.

He claimed that he did not initiate a hunger strike to promote himself or play a “martyr”.

“Perhaps the strike is a kind of pressure on the prosecution, but the question is what is the alternative if we all turn our heads to violence,” asked the head of the progressive parliamentarians.

Martinović added that the accusation “should have reacted”, and that he reacted to the attack on one of the opposition leaders, Borko Stefanović, but also asked why he was not reacting now when they attacked Marijan Risticević.

“We should not be Borko Stefanović victim of physical violence because he supports Dragan Đilas, but we should not be victims of Marijan Risticević because he supports Aleksandar Vučić,” said Martinović. Last night, the Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vučić asked him to end the hunger strike, stating that this act also represents a kind of pressure on the prosecution.

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