“MARO, OUR ZVONKO IS DEATH” The father of the pilot who died near Mali Zvornik WATCHED THE FALL OF THE PLANE


Grief gripped Brasina, a town not far from Mali Zvornik, where the Serbian army’s “MiG 21” crashed, as well as nearby Donja Borina, where pilot Zvonko Vasiljevic was born and where his parents live.

Behind the forest from whose direction the plane flew, before the fall, is the house of Vasiljevic, who, like the whole area, was proud of Zvonko.

Zvonko VasiljevicPhoto: Social networks

Zvonko Vasiljevic

– It is sad that he is no longer with us, and he loved the people, he loved his hometown, this whole region and his Serbia. Fate wanted him to suffer not far from where he was walking. The pain cannot be greater – say Donja Borina’s neighbors.

Father Dragan and Mother Mara are inconsolable in the house of mourning. They have another son, who lives in Belgrade.

The parents, they tell us about the baskets, testified to them, after receiving the news that their son had been murdered, that Dragan, seeing that the plane had crashed in neighboring Borina, told his wife:

– Maro, Zvonko is dying!

There was great worry, dark forebodings, but also a ray of hope. The same happened when our team of journalists visited them on Friday, before the death of the pilot was confirmed.

When they were officially informed, the unhappy parents simply lost themselves in pain, sadness, anguish …

Photo: Tanjug

Zvonko is survived by his wife and two young children, who live in Belgrade.

The family was very harmonious, so it was an example for the whole area, and not for the docile and beautiful Donja Borina, writes “Novosti”.

Vitomir Tanaskovic (59), who was injured when the plane crashed into a stream, literally five or ten meters from his home, was immediately transferred to Loznica General Hospital. He is in stable condition and some media reports that, allegedly due to internal bleeding, he was transferred to the Belgrade Emergency Center, said Dragana Mitrović, spokesman for the General Hospital of Loznica.

Drivers Dejan Krsnik and Zvonko VasiljevicPhoto: Ministry of Defense / RAS Serbia

Drivers Dejan Krsnik and Zvonko Vasiljevic

Vitomir has burns, as we found out unofficially, affecting ten percent of the body … There are no other injuries.

According to the testimony of the neighbors, Vitomir saw the plane fall and only told his wife Milica to flee to the basement, which she did, while he was lying on the grass and, allegedly, parts of the plane’s flames were transferred to him . His wife Milica is still in shock.

VIDEO: MiG 21 plane crashed near Loznica
